Thursday, May 8, 2008


I just got back from watching my girls perform in Joseph. They were incredible! I was so proud of them. We are having the cast party here at our home Saturday...i'm a little nervous about that. I'm not sure what the party will consist of, but I'm seriously hoping Beak and I don't have to get up and do a dance & song number for everyone. Yes, it would be entertaining....and memorable. I wish we could borrow Luke and Camille.

We are progressing with the selling of our house. There's a bunch of stuff they want us to's hard to compromise when we've already compromised beyond our ability to do so. Right now we're just anxious to get rid of the house. I haven't started looking for anything else yet. I'm not sure where to look. I think that this summer we will be nomads. The house will close on the 27th, and we'll migrate west. Then if we have no solid plans we'll do a westerly trek like we did last summer...That was so fun, and it was great to see everyone.

1 comment:

wendymb said...

We'd love for you to nomad your way to our house! We need all of the distractions we can get! Good luck on your party...don't try to do a jig without a happy pad!