Sunday, January 4, 2009

William, We Love You!!!

William's birthday is this week. In addition to the little treat coming in the mail, I have posted some recent pictures here mostly for him to is not a very good way to get pictures to him. Anyway, William, if you make it to this blog, enjoy! ...and have a wonderful birthday!!!!...on your Wednesday...or my tuesday... and know that WE LOVE YOU!!!
We took this picture at thanksgiving time. By the way, this was taken the day before "Sven" cut his hair. I love being able to see his eyes now!
"Sven" got a much desired updated, new phone for Christmas.

...a new skateboard!!!


Unknown said...

That pretzel house is ah-may-zing!

Withawhy said...

Annie!?!!!!...I love your blog! You always put a smile on my face. What a suprise to see you here...Thank you!