Monday, January 26, 2009

School Sickness

This morning I was in the car waiting for "Tiwa" so I could make my morning school drop off rounds. "Ben" hopped in the car and announced that "Tiwa" wasn't coming, because she's sick. ???? I was just in the house with her. I watched her eat breakfast, and get ready to walk out the door. She was fine!!! What prompted this sudden onset of sickness? I had to come in and investigate. When I got in the house I saw poor little Tiwa laying on the couch. I asked her why she decided she wasn't going to school. She told me she doesn't feel good. I asked her to tell me what that feels like. This is what I learned...My little lady, 1st, felt woosey. 2nd, she had a bad taste in her mouth, and 3rd, her heart was beating. I laughed!!!!! Of course...the symptoms of school sickness! I promptly told her it sounded serious, and sent her to bed. It did help that this girl is a straight A student...that makes the symptoms all the more serious. So, today will be a Tiwa and Me day. I'm certain she will back to good health tomorrow!


wendymb said...

Luke is sick today too!! Only, he's not a straight A student! He's upstairs asleep...

Kathy said...

Poor Tiwa! I hope she was able to recover in a day. Your blog looks awesome btw!!! I love it!