Friday, April 24, 2009

Henry's Unbirthday Party

Wednesday night I was taking the kids to their Youth Night. They were all carrying wrapped presents because they were celebrating their "unbirthdays". Henry rode in the car with us. He was convinced that it was Heather's birthday, and when we dropped them off, he was very sad when I didn't let him go to the birthday with them. As we drove away he just yelled at me and said, "I'n MAD!" No amount of reasoning could console him. He just kept yelling"I'n MAD!" I then shifted my tactics and said "Henry, just blow your mad out!" His little cheeks puckered up and he started blowing with all his might. He insisted that he was still very Mad, so we kept blowing. Thank goodness he was in the back seat! He really had a wild spray going on! I asked him what color his mad was, and he said it was "bue" (blue). Not really sure of what to make of his bue mad, I had him blow until it was all gone, and we were laughing.

When we got home we cut a brownie so it looked like a piece of cake. Then we put a pretend candle on it. I sang "Happy Birthday" to him, and he blew out his pretend candle. I handed him an imaginary gift (imacculately wrapped, of course). He took the gift and pretended to open it. He was quite excited, and I asked him what it was. He said it was a dinosaur. I handed him another gift, and he excitedly pretended to open it to find another dinosaur...which he was also excited about. Then I handed him a third gift. This one was huge, and heavy. He took it from me and placed it on the table. He was sooo excited to open it and find...another "big, big dinosaur". He ate his "birthday cake", and went to bed with a big smile on his face. How I love my little angel.


Jeni said...

Some days I think "I'm mad!" is my three-year-old's favorite phrase. I'll have try having him blow it out too. It was a nice ending to the story. Such a fun mom!

Megan said...

haha i LOVE this story!